I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

" YOU gave me peace in a lifetime of war.  "


" Ti se va parea atat de amuzant cand prietena care te-a tradat incontinuu, in nenumarate feluri, va avea tupeul sa se planga despre cum ai tradat-o tu pe ea, cand ii vei face si tu asta. Va avea chiar mult tupeu. Va spune incontinuu cat de loiala e ea, pentru ca vinovatii niciodata nu isi asuma vina, ci doar se plang cand sunt "rasplatiti" cu aceeasi moneda. Daca ea poate sa se uite in oglinda, crezandu-se o persoana loiala, atunci si tu poti sa razi ironic la minciunile pe care si le spune singura. "

nici eu nu puteam sa o spun mai bine :))))

Monday, April 18, 2016



" Nici nu stii cat de mult inseamna pentru mine sa vorbesc cu tine stiind ca nu o sa ma judeci "

" Traiesc in trecut dar stiu ca e asa pentru ca eu vreau asta "

" Ma bucur enorm de mult ca ne-am vazut si ca inca suntem "

" De tine o sa-mi fie cel mai dor cand o sa pleci si nu ma asteptam sa ne intelegem noi atat de bine pentru ca nu ne suportam la inceput "

" Imi spuneau prietenele mele cand au vazut pe facebook pozele de la aniversarea ta cu Vlad de doi ani ca sunteti atat de draguti si speciali si ca n-au mai vazut pe nimeni ca voi si imagineaza-ti ca ele au stat foarte putin cu voi si au zis asta din prima... Si chiar ma uitam la voi si se vede ca aveti o chimie atat de speciala si ceva cu adevarat extraordinar din punctul meu de vedere. Adica stiu cupluri care sunt impreuna de 2 ani ca si voi si nu sunt nici pe departe la fel de apropiati si de atasati unul de altul; si oricum toata relatia voastra mi se pare wow si ma bucur enorm sa aud ca va e atat de bine, sunteti ca un model pentru mine "

O zi calda de sambata, atat de draguta, cu cel mai bun prieten al meu, Starbucks, tigari si cuvinte sincere.
E incredibil sa vad cat de mult conteaza prietenia noastra pentru tine, pentru ca esti singura persoana care tine la prieteni la fel de mult cum tin eu. 
E incredebil sa stiu ca inca am un prieten de genul asta si ca oricat de rar ne-am vedea, ma intelegi extraordinar de bine.
De la discutii despre BAC, la cele deep despre viata si felul cum ne-am schimbat de-a lungul timpului, a fost cu adevarat una din zilele care ma fac sa fiu atat de fericita si recunoscatoare pentru tot ceea ce am si a fost cu adevarat uimitor sa vad felul in care gandirea ta a evoluat de cand nu am mai avut sansa sa stam si sa vorbim ore in sir.
Esti genul de persoana cu care stau sa analizez felul in care vremea de afara ne afecteaza starea sau cum parfumul florilor din jur ne face melancolici si genul de persoana care are un plan bine stabilit pentru viata, la fel ca mine, cu care ma pot consulta pe orice domeniu si de la care am mereu ceva nou de invatat.

12 ani de prietenie, pe care ii apreciez ENORM, in care, cum ai spus si tu, ne-am maturizat extraordinar de mult si e chiar socant sa vezi cum inca iesim sa vorbim si sa analizam totul si cum avem atat de multe amintiri impreuna.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

This is so us baby and I'm so happy that we have the best, funny, crazy moments when we're together 

I love having you as my partner in crime ❤️

Friday, April 15, 2016

When you're getting ready to go to a party and your bff texts you " hurry up I can't drink without you "

#truefriendship =))))))))

Those memories will last forever

Thursday, April 14, 2016

" Once you figure out how to be happy you'll never tolerate being around people who take that away from you. "

I have been at my worst stage of depression for 2 years ( 2 YEARS ) straight and a whole summer, writing about how I wanted to kill myself and almost doing it and no one gave a shit or tried as much as I needed to; but I have overcome it in the end ( with so much work ) and most importantly, I got rid of them and I'm not going back.

days like this

13.04.2016 - bere cu fetele & my love, whist, Mc si caterinca

14.04.2016 - a full hour of deep conversations with my best friends, in the morning. This day showed me once more that you can never know a person too much.
& a full afternoon of laughing with my love, just walking around, eating shaorma and being so happy. I bet everyone thought we were drunk but we were just so happy =))))) I love you baby 

so grateful for you all

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

You know exactly why I did what I did so don't ever have the nerve to pretend like it was my fault.

Monday, April 11, 2016

:)))))))))))))))) !!
Cand un mitoman are tupeul sa-ti minta cea mai buna prietena, ea stiind datorita celei mai bune prietene a lui ( ironia sortii ) ca el minte =)))))))))))))))))) si tu te gandesti ca unele lucruri chiar nu se schimba =))))))))))))))))))

Point proven

Omu' asta are mereu dreptate

" Your hell is my heaven "

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Sometimes you have a very good life and then you make one bad decision and everything changes.

" What's beautiful about my relationship with her is that it goes beyond love making. "
" Anything that can be considered a mistake, will help me to make better decisions in the future. " - Kanye West

When I think about the fact that I'm going to turn 19 - in the middle of my BAC ( 'cause that's how lucky I am ) - and that you'll be almost 21, I honestly cannot believe how fast time flies by. I had just turned 13 when I first met you, on July 6th, and you were almost 15. I honestly cannot believe that I have known you for so many years, for my entire teenage years basically. 
I think about how fast these years went by, how I truly wasted them sometimes and I'm still wasting them sometimes- 'cause we want to accomplish our dreams so much and I personally have this plan for my life and I just forget to cherish everything that's happening now, I forget to take it day by day.
It's sad when you think you'll never get these years back and you somehow wish you would have had yourself, from the future, telling yourself from the past everything you have learned the hard way. 
You wish you could have told yourself that you've stressed out over the most stupid things, you wish you could've told yourself to go out and have fun when you've isolated yourself in your home. Now you know you have to work for things, for them to turn out as you want them to. You wish you could have told yourself to not waste your time, your words, your tears, your body, your soul, your smiles, your conversations, you wish you could have told yourself to not open your mind to certain people and letting them to get to know you. 'Cause after they got to know you and things didn't work out with them, you felt like you weren't worth it. 
And let me tell you, I love all my past mistakes. I have learned way too much from them to not appreciate them in some way but I do feel disgusted by some things and I do regret them deeply.
My teenage years are blurry for the most part cause honestly, I was drunk for the most part. I do remember the beautiful moments that turned into dust and I took them as a lesson forever with me. I know I will always remember who picked me up when I was down, who destroyed me and I destroyed back. I will remember how much I thought revenge brings peace of mind and I was so wrong, so many times. I will never forget the tears or the pain or the depression I had for so many years without even showing it and how I thought that I'm going to have a long, sad life. Because that's what you think when you're young(er). You think you have time to be sad and feel sorry for yourself. You don't. But that's ok, because you need those sad moments in order to grow up. 
It's strange how, at the end of all of the craziness, I've realised that all these years,
I was my one true enemy. Actually, my mind was. 'Cause I had so many deep thoughts, that I still have sometimes, but I've just learned to control them and use them for my benefit. I don't really know how I got this personality, but I do know that you were mostly part of the process. I don't know how I became such a depressed girl, who got bored so easily and loved to play mind games. When I think about it now, I see all these things as immature and stupid.
It's true what they say, that you first have to come to good terms with yourself and your mind, in order to be able to be happy. 

As I said, time goes by so fast. You were so little and I was so little and I didn't even know what it feels like to be touched by someone and truly connect. It's so strange how you just meet some people in life and you just instantly bound so deeply and you can never get away from that bound, no matter how much the other person makes you hate them.
I'm happy that you didn't let me hate you tho'. After our first kiss, I knew that something was so right and even if you broke my heart for many years, you at least were my friend. 'Cause I never wanted to lose you as a friend. You were that one best friend of mine that was as fucked up as I was and had a mind so deep and so weird and so hard for a normal person to understand. I don't know why it was you, but it brings tears of joy when I think about the fact that the first truly, magical moment I've had in my life and what I thought I could never have again with you, has evolved many years later into an amazing relationship, with the one person who truly got me and how weird and crazy I was; with my best friend.
You were never scared of my craziness. Although we had some extremly bad moments, in our fucked up way we have finally managed to make peace with each other. I know I have screamed at you so badly, so many times and hit you and even cursed you throughout our relationship; but you never, not even once fired back at me and even if you also screamed at me, when I hit you- you would pull me closer and when I cursed you- you would tell me to not talk like that and you would tell me you love me instead. It's sad to think that we fought so hard until we realised that we want the same thing; but it's amazing to see how all of our fights were only for us to get to know each other even more. And I just always had that feeling and I know you did too- that no matter how much pain is there, we will break through it at some point and find each other again, because it is worth it. I've learned that a true relationship means so much work but it was worth it, because it meant that I'm going to have my best friend and the love of my life by my side always and it is still worth it, 'cause I would honestly go through anything for you.

I just want you to know that my love for you is bigger than myself and bigger than I could ever explain. We just *click* in everything. You love what I love and I love what you love. We have the same bad habits and we'll be happy alchoholic-smokers for life, and we'll have deep conversations always, out of nowhere, and you will do the cutest things and I will say the most stupid things and you'll laugh and make fun of me and we'll always have the best sex of my life and we'll always have the best love I have ever felt. Your touch feels like the softest and most loving touch I have ever felt and you are such a pasional and crazy and optimistic and chill and charismatic and funny person. You love so deeply and I just hope that I'll always be good enough for you and that I will appreciate you as much as you deserve.

Your name is tattooed on my body and your person if forever tattooed in my mind so I know I'll never escape you; and I don't want to ever escape you, 'cause you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Friday, April 8, 2016

This is one of my favourite quotes ever. 

* only together *

You give me this all the time and I just want to thank you again for everything.

~ If someone treats you badly, walk away. Walk away and don't look back. It will hurt so bad in the beginning, you'll think life without them is impossible and you'll even want to make them suffer back. But it gets to a point when staying with them will only make your agony longer and making them suffer would only hurt your soul. Do a good thing instead. For yourself. Have the courage to walk away. It will suck without them for a while and you'll even think you can't live without them. But just wait for your heart to heal, no matter how long it takes; and you will realise that life with them sucked more than life without them and you'll know that even if you want something it doesn't mean that thing is also good for you. Have the courage for yourself. For your life, soul and even for your self esteem. Walk away, change everything. Stand by your decisions and NEVER look back. ~

I swear this became my anthem

Thursday, April 7, 2016

If you deserve it

ain't nobody got time fo' that tho'

omg so true !!!
Stii ca viata ta e ciudata cand ii lovesti pentru prima data masina unuia, iar tu te gandesti ca o sa razi pe tema asta peste cativa ani... Sau asa sper, Doamne ajuta.

era de notat totusi. 07.04.2016

Stiu doar ca sunt extrem de norocoasa, pentru ca oricat de groaznici ar fi uneori parintii mei sau familia mea, mereu imi rezolva orice problema. Am avut atat de multa sustinere pe tema " condus " din partea familiei si e pur si simplu ireal. E unul dintre cele mai frumoase sentimente.

My only hope is to make everyone proud of me, always.

Friday, April 1, 2016

When you're out with your baby and your friends and you know your life is complete.
You have no idea how important it is to me the fact that they like you and they are so happy when they see us together, they might be anoying but at least they're truthful and they want the best for me.

2 ani si o luna ❤️
Momentul cand ne-am uitat unul la altul si eram " yesss we made it "
Today was so us- whist, bautura si shaorma. 
It's amazing how every time I need a break from my life you're always there to make me relax, to make me happy and to make me feel loved. 

Te iubesc mai mult ca orice ❤️❤️❤️