I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

How can the one you love the most hurt you the most? How can he look at you and see all the sadness and just pretend he's blind? How can he pretend nothing happened? 
I'm sick of him touching me, saying "I love you" like it's the only thing that will make everything better, like he just says them out of habit, like he doesn't even care how much he makes me cry and the saddest part is that he's not stupid, he knows how much he hurts me but he does it anyway. How can I keep on saying good things about you when you keep on throwing all this shit and being such a hypocrite. How can I not want something else when all I know lately is tears and "Why you don't love me" like you're such an easy person to love, like you didn't make me close up again... on such a happy day, one of my happiest days, right after I had one of my greatest accomplishments... You ruined it in just a matter of seconds.
You made me put my walls up again and I told you this would be the last time I would let them down for you. But you hurt me anyway. 

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