I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

" People tend to do weird shit when they are judged instead of just being loved. "


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Adevarul e ca sunt doar o fata care spera sa scape de dependenta de persoane, care spera sa-si gaseasca o cea mai buna prietena dar nu crede ca o va face vreodata, care spera sa fie suficient de inteligenta cat sa reueasca orice va dori in viata  si care spera ca iubirea vietii ei sa nu o paraseasca vreodata.
" And I start crying
And I start screaming
The heavy breathing
But what's the reason?
Always get the reaction you wanted
I'm actually fronting
Tired of letting
Passive aggression
Control my mind,
Capture my soul
OK you're right
Just let it go.
OK you got it,
It's in the can.
Before I played it
You knew my hand. "